Book Review: Jolene Stockman’s Total Blueprint for World Domination

13079311Title: Total Blueprint for World Domination
Author: Jolene Stockman
Genre: Young Adult / Self Help
Series: No
Rating: 4 out of 5
My Copy: Review Copy via Author

We’ve all heard of The Secret or books like it and while the synopsis of Total Blueprint points in that direction it’s not. Sure some elements of it may mimic Rhonda Byrne or Esther Hicks, but in the end Total Blueprint is just that…a blueprint on how to make your dreams come true. It’s targeted towards young adults, however; both parents and their children can sit down and map out a future of possibilities. We all have dreams we would like to see to fruition so why not create a blueprint? As Stockman states, “You’ve got one life, one shot, and all the power to make it happen. Get ready to dream big and live big. It’s all up to you. And it starts now.”

Stockman’s writing is simple and straightforward. In fact a lot of young adults will be able to associate with the examples she uses. She clearly knows how to communicate with them and relies on her own life experiences to convey her examples. Stockman walks the reader through a series of exercises. Each chapter is short, but meaningful. In fact as you read you’ll bookmark pages you’ll want to return to. It’s written to be open-ended and lets you think of your goals. She also gives you the option to think through circumstances so you can create a reality that fits you. The steps are easy to follow and designed to move along as you read. So at the end, you have your kick ass blueprint.

I do admit I was a bit unsure of how Stockman might tackle a few subjects. Mostly I was worried that she would say, “anything is possible.” Despite the fact that you might want to cure cancer, but you aren’t good science, she does state to make your goals realistic and for you. You might never be that scientist or model, but you can work in the industry and she walks you through possible scenarios to let you achieve your dream.

Anyone looking for a little motivation would benefit from this book. It’s not patronizing nor does it tell what to do and how to do it. I personally felt inspired after reading and do admit I began to plan what my blueprint would look like. I’m not ashamed to say that this weekend I’ll be finalizing it. We can all relate to wanting to achieve a dream and sometimes we lose our goals along the way. So why not take advantage of the help to clear up the mind?