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Feature & Follow #3

8474595901_873f4993f4 Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly blog hop hosted by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read. It’s a fun way to find other blogs and meet new bloggers.

You can follow Lit, etc via Twitter, Facebook, Networked Blogs, or subscribe to the blog via email. Please let me know if you’re a new follower and I’ll follow back.

Q: Confess your blogger sins! Is there anything as a newbie blogger that you’ve done, that as you gained more experience you were like — oops?

A great question and I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s responses. Mine would have to be writing a review weeks AFTER I finished reading the book. I still do that and I have notes everywhere, but waiting that long makes you lose some of the magic you experienced while reading (or whatever you were feeling). Now I try to write at least a summary of the book shortly after reading, that way it stays fresh in my mind and makes writing it easier should I decide to write it a week after I finished.

What about you? What have you learned?

57 thoughts on “Feature & Follow #3

    • I get stressed with note writing so I try to highlight passages, etc. I’m getting better at it.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

    • I have 11 reviews that need to be written. Only 3 of them are important. The rest are just fill up space. LOL!

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

    • I’ve tried to schedule them in advance, but what happens is sometimes an author will contact me about me an interview, etc and it would fit better on that date, etc. I’m trying to get them scheduled and posted as soon as I’m done writing.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  1. I’ve only recently started adding reviews to my blog. At first I was a bit timid doing them. Not so much now that I’ve actally done a few.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF 🙂

    Marilyn @ Marilyn’s Mystery Blog

    • Reviews are difficult because you’re not sure how to approach them when you begin. I still find them daunting.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

    • I’m slowly improving and hopefully come summer I have a system down.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  2. I agree I have to type the review right away or I lose it and all the magic but if its a bad review I sit on it LOL thanks for stopping by my blog
    My FF

    • Bad reviews are hard for me! I have yet to give a 1, but do have a few 2’s. Those basically just meant a hole in the plot didn’t work for me. I find those reviews easier to write, but I sit on them because I don’t want to come off as too critical.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  3. Oh, that’s a good one. I have been writing my reviews immediately because I was afraid I’d not be as emotional for them. I’m glad to have that validated a little bit!

    new follower from FF 🙂

    • It’s a strange situation. You can write a review ASAP after reading and be excited for the book, etc and then in hindsight realize that no the book actually is a lower rating because of x, y, z. Maybe that’s why I tend to wait it out because my feelings over time can change.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  4. I recently started adding reviews on my blog. The kind of reviews I do before were short and not too detailed, but now I keep notes when I read a book to jot down what I liked and didn’t like. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. Following you on Twitter already, and I just subscribed to your posts via email.

    Kaykay @ The Creative Forum
    Happy Reading! 🙂

    • Over time your review style will change. My first couple of reviews on Amazon were very short and I thought they were the best, but alas they aren’t!

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

    • Notes and highlights are helping more now than they did at university! LOL

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  5. This is so true! Most of the time, I’ll write my review the same day, or the day after, I finish a book. But it does happen that I just am too busy, and I hate that. Even with my highlighted passages on my kindle, with notes, it can become tricky to get back into the mood I was in while reading.

    Thanks for stopping by
    my FF post earlier. I’m a new follower 🙂

    • I agree with what you said! You lose that magic you had while reading if you wait a few days.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  6. I love reading and I never used to love reviewing as much as reading, so as soon as I finish reading I go onto my next book never really taking time out to write a review. I’m still guilty of it at times but lately most of my reviews have been for book tours so I’ve been forced to review it ASAP. It’s better to review a book within the first few days of reading a book because you may forgot the main parts of the book.

    Another advise is to write notes whilst your reading so you don’t have to take the time out to constantly look through the book for parts you want to include.

    Here’s my Feature & Follow Friday.

    Have a great weekend!

    • I highlight if I can and that makes it easier to write out a review days after it has been read. Sometimes you can’t help but wait to write a review because the inspiration isn’t there. I agree with what you said.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  7. So true. I also take notes along the way, but you are smart to get at least a small summary done quickly. My problem at the moment is that I have so many library book checked out, with due dates coming soon, so I have to decide – write a review or read the next book?

    Thanks for visiting my blog and following! I’m following back.

    Stephanie (Go Flash Go) @ Read, Rinse, Repeat
    Here’s My FF

    • I understand about library books! Especially the popular ones where you can’t renew the due date because there’s a line of holds! I just forced myself to finish one book and am getting ready to start the other because they are due soon.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  8. Great answer! I always have to review right away, within a week, for this very reason. I find that if I’m closer to a full week than not, I’m already forgetting stuff. What are we talking about? Just kidding. 😀 Thanks for visiting both my blogs earlier. Have a great weekend!

    • hahaha yeah I try not to let a week go by, but I do have a few reviews to write and I read the books in December. eeek!

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  9. Great answer! I highlight a lot while reading (notes are really not my thing), as it helps later on. Though reviews should be written right after I finish a book, some (close to ten now, actually) are still waiting for me to find the time. Oops! At least I manage to do the important ones on time.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF earlier. Hope you’ll have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

    • Thats how I feel re: important ones on time! I have 2 out of 11 that are the most important and others can wait since they’ve been out for awhile. I see them more like filler reviews for the days you have nothing to post. I do highlight a lot and I’m finding that helps immensely when writing.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  10. I like to wait a bit to write my review. Usually the last third of a book sways me so much I’m blinded for a good few days. But I haven’t practived the habit of taking notes. Time for me to get on that! Thanks for stopping by! Old follower here. Happy Friday.

    • I can usually tell what rating I’m going to give it by the time I reach the halfway point. I just finished one book where I was leaning more towards a 3, but at the end changed it to a 4.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  11. I’m so bad about that too! If I wait more than a few days before writing my review my head (and writing space) has already moved on to the book I’m currently reading and I don’t feel like I’m giving the first one the justice it deserves. I should probably takes notes, but that’s not really my style either, so I try to do my reviews quickly after finishing the book. Thanks for stopping by My FF this week! Old follower.

    • I sometimes find I may love a book right away but then a few days later I’ll reevaluate the rating I gave it and changed it. I am trying to write reviews ASAP, but the spark sometimes isn’t there.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

    • Sometimes though I don’t have any inspiration to write a review and a few days that spark will get me. I am trying to write them ASAP.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  12. I know what you mean – I haven’t waited weeks, but even a few days is pretty bad for me! But I blame school, because I don’t always have the time.

    In regards to what you said on my blog: That comment is so true. Commenting around is ALL I’ve been doing. I haven’t done major giveaways or anything – though I might at 750 or 1000 followers (not too far off). I feel like giveaways are great for the numbers – followers and pageviews – but they really don’t make other people WANT to come back to your blog. That’s why I haven’t done any major giveaways. I want to actually talk to people!

    Anyway. Thank you for the follow! I’ve followed back via email.

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    • I know school can get in the way. I worry come summer when I begin a certificate program and how much time that will take up. eeek!

      Re: followers-like I said, I know the feeling and it’s just slow building.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  13. I can’t do that. I write a review right after I finish a book, if I don’t do that, I won’t remember the main points. Notes don’t help me either, I just have to get it out.
    Old Follower!
    Thanks for stopping by My FF

    • I know about missing main points, etc. One reason why I sometimes wait to write one is because I just can’t come up with what to say.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  14. Well I don’t take notes, but I do try to write reviews as soon as I finish a book because it all gets a little foggy and mixed together once you start getting into other things. 😛

    Thanks for stopping by! Old Follower.
    Daphne @ Reading Until Dawn

    • I know about plots mixing, etc. I do try though to write a review ASAP, but sometimes the inspiration just isn’t there.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  15. I just loved your response. I used to do that so much, especially the first few months. I would have tons of free time, so I could read a lot more than now, and I would just get behind on my reviews. I do take notes as I am reading, but I keep it in a notebook so I don’t lose them and its more organized that way. Hope you are having a great weekend. New follower here.

    • Right now I do have extra free time and I think that’s why I wait to write, but in the next week or two, I know I’ll be super busy so I need to get my butt into gear and start writing.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

    • Sometimes though you have no inspiration to write that review no matter what. Argh! I’m trying to work on it.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  16. I take a lot of notes while reading unless I’m on my Kindle and then I’m highlighting away. I haven’t reviewed a book weeks afterwards yet. I have a hard time keeping how I felt in the review days afterwards so I would have to skim through the book again if I got to that point. I really like writing a fresh review. Great answer! Thank you so much for stopping by my FF. Jaclyn @ JC’s Book Haven.

    • I try to write my reviews ASAP, but things get in the way sometimes or I don’t have any inspiration.. :/

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  17. I had this same problem when I started all those years ago and am doing things in a more timely manner now. Thanks for becoming a follower of mine. I’m now following you back on Twitter @jone402

    The Scarf Princess

  18. Wow. Can I just say that I was blown away when you said “I remind myself, “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” and the your viewership, etc will grow. Better to grow steadily than overnight.”? I think it’s particularly smart of you. Thank you for the insight, and the reminder. You’re right!

    I have a pretty terrible memory so when I’m not able to write a review ASAP, I usually just jot down my thoughts on my iPod or phone. Sometimes I do this while reading, or just immediately afterwards so the spark or my thoughts won’t be forgotten.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog 🙂

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